Why cleaning your own business is a risky affair?
April 16, 2018
Why do I need Corporate Cleaning Services in Toronto for my business?
May 9, 2018When it comes to cleanliness and maintenance, cutting corners can invite you some serious losses in the form of slip & fall lawsuit. While they can be quite expensive for you to bear, they can also stain your reputation for maintaining poor work safety standards. Moreover, the consequences can be tiring and tedious to bear as you have to manage the work, courtroom, expenses, and loss of time and business at the same time.
Some statistics about slip and fall cases in Canada:
Slip & fall cases in Canada are very common and reported every other day. As per the statistics recorded in 2011, every year more the 42,000 Canadian worker slips and falls on the workplace sustaining serious injuries. Out of these injuries nation’s workers’ compensation commissions or boards accept roughly 17% of the injuries. There are a number of ways you will have to compensate a worker, employee or a visiting guest, in case they sustain an injury in a slip and fall case. The compensation includes medical treatment, pain, and suffering, loss of income and compensation to the family members.
What commercial cleaning experts have to say?
As per the best commercial cleaning companies, Toronto, hiring professional cleaning services in Canada can prevent slip and fall accidents to a great extent. When floors are well maintained and cleaned professionally the chances of a person slipping on them are eradicated. Here are a few ways how commercial cleaning companies can help you in lowering the chances of slip and fall lawsuit in your organization.
• They are experts:
When you hire a commercial cleaning company Toronto, you are dealing with the experts of the field. They very well understand how to clean the commercial spaces and thus ensure that there is no dirt, dust or debris that can lead to a potential lawsuit.
• They treat algae and molds:
If you are a business located at a place that is prone to dampness, you will surely be suffering from the problem of algae and mold growing on different surfaces. This mold or algae, when grown on the flooring can make it very slippery. If proper cleanliness is not maintained, someone can slip and fall over the greasy floor and sustain grave injuries.
They use signs to prevent any untoward accidents:
Cleaning is a long process which has many steps before one reached perfection. In each step, expert commercial cleaners use different types of chemicals and equipment. While they are in their job and at a time after it, the floor remains slimy or greasy, increasing the chances of falling. Using signage like ‘WET FLOOR’ or ‘FRESHLY MOPPED FLOOR’ or ‘CAUTION’ can help preventing the accidents to a great accident.
In recent times, slip and fall lawsuits have become a nightmare for company owners. With an expert and reliable commercial cleaning partner in Toronto like Golden Lion Cleaning Services, business-owners can get rid of this burden and focus on what they do the best, managing the business.